What is sacred about all of our lives, even those of us who would never dream of using such a word for it, is that God speaks to us through what happens to us - even through such unpromising events as walking up the road to get the mail out of the mailbox, maybe, or seeing something in the news that brings you up short, or laughing yourself silly with a friend. If skeptics ask to be shown an instance of God speaking to them in their lives, I suggest that they pay closer attention to the next time when, for unaccountable reasons, they find tears in their eyes.
-- Frederick Buechner
Wild Flowers in Deep Water
I could talk the days and nights away....
And she listens.
I smile until my face hurts
And she smiles more... so I do, too.
She speaks and I want to hear... love to hear...
Gentle, graceful spirit... kind-hearted one...
While sensual, powerful, erotic.
Fire and cool water in a single vessel.
And every taste of her is like the first...
What's a poor boy to do?
Give up, sonny, you've met your match.
Wild Flowers in Deep Water
Uncompromising heart
More sure of herself every passing week.... So glad to know it, see it, be near her in it.
This thing, both complicated and simple beyond belief.
Wild Flowers in Deep, Deep Water