I must be willing to give up what I am in order to become what I will be. -- Albert Einstein
Tell me how you're doing today. Tell me how you're learning to be present, how you're loving your life, or just trying to find your way to a regular practice of any sort...
- Know a wonderful Web site you'd like to tell me about?
- Got a Web Site of your own you want to share?
- Really love or hate something you saw here and wanna get if off your chest?
- Got some books you think I should read?
- Some music I should hear?
- Some people I should meet?
- Some chores you've been neglecting?
- A question you think I can answer, even though I probably can't?
- Got a favorite poem, quotation, memory or other story to share? Feel free to send it, if you want...
I'm glad you came by.
- Randy