
The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no l

We are all Imaginary

We are all Imaginary

We are all Imaginary
Two people meet,
fall in love, have a life together for a while, then find that the lives they've made together are quite different from the life one or both of them has made independent of the union.

Do you feel you know them yet?

They could be any of dozens of couples we all know well.
Each has a story, right? Each feels pain, grief, hope and sadness... feels unique and alone in the world, many times, as the hard parts come on. But they're just stories to us for the most part... Still Imaginary.

And regardless of the story, one feels more "right" than the other, and tells his or her friends and family so.
Many of them believe the side of the story that they hear, even though, if they think about it, they have to realize that there are probably two sides to the story... Two different stories altogether, in fact.

And so the stories go and grow until each side views the other as alien, knowing their own side as "truth" and the other as something less than truth.

She tells her friends what a loser he was.
He tells his that she was never satisfied, and that she ruined his life.
Some on each side believe the stories they hear, and spread the tales to others, giving the stories life, helping them to become the new reality in that circle of friends and family. And who really knows the truth? Certainly not the individuals who have emerged from the ruined union with the stories to be told. It's always sad to hear friends bash their former lovers. If they'd known them so well, shouldn't they have been able to understand them better? So they tell the stories instead...

It makes everyone imaginary to some extent.

We are each someone else's story sometimes.

Don't take it all so damn seriously...

Copyright 1978 - 2025 by Randy Weeks
(This old site has been online since 1995... I'll redo it eventually, maybe...
Meanwhile, consider it a museum piece from the early web).

Thanks for visiting www.weeks.org
Your comments, questions, criticism, musings, yawnings and collaborative contributions are welcome.