Paying Attention to Attention - Part 1
02. One of the hard parts
03. The list, for now
04. (Morning Wake Up Wars): #1: The automatic timer scare yourself awake alarm method
05. More than 2 items needs a list
06. (Morning Wake up Wars): #2: The Ritalin Freight Train Wake Up Routine
07. (Morning Wake up Wars): #3: I used to set my clock radio to the wrong time
08. Other Clocks, Other Times
09. They say Energy Follows Attention
10. The clock tricks went on for years
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. -- Mother Teresa
03. The list, for now
(Paying Attention to Attention - Part 3 - July 30, 2011)
Some of the items from the list, saved for when inspiration strikes:
- Ritalin - questioning the costs of the drug that helped me return to stability in work and time management.
- Mornings of fogginess
- Meandering Meetings
- Reading everything at once
- Music in everything, everywhere
- If Energy follows attention...
- Depth over speed
- 1st grade, Mrs. Martin and repeated days of tape on my mouth for talking too much.
- Alarm clock madness.
- To do lists replaced by other to do lists, all of which have dozens of items on them.
- MENSA - pros and cons.
- Early driving experiences and accidents
- People leaving the room and disappearing from my thoughts so completely it's scary.
- Forgetting names and faces, even with successful practice in memory training.
- 4th grade school and homework issues: the over stuffed envelope of a whole quarter's unfinished work in English and social studies. 30 days of summer detention for not completing 5 long division problems in math, then having the number due increase every day as punishment, till the school year ended and I (along with a couple other fellow fourth grad delinquents) had over 1000 long division problems to complete, keeping us at school till early July.
- Saying I'll be home in 30 minutes, then showing up hours (and hours) later...
- Conversation gluttony
- Recurring Dreams of community and of creating/working/living with groups of people.