
Greg in 2006

Greg in Feb 2007

Nate and Greg in 2001

Greg and Nate 4-23-08


And did you get what
you wanted from this life, even so?
I did.
And what did you want?
To call myself beloved, to feel myself
beloved on the earth.

--Raymond Carver
from A New Path To The Waterfall

Comments received from: In Memory of Gregory S. Weeks

Greg & Holly Weeks at Block Island, May 30, 2007.

Return to In Memory of Gregory S. Weeks

Thank you all for your tender words and thoughts. Your kindness and love are felt deeply and are so appreciated

Greg had the soul of a poet, steel trap mind of an economist and a sense of humor befitting the best Brit comedy. I will be forever grateful for all of Greg's wisdom, kindness and fatherly advice when I needed it. I hope that I served him well and brought some comfort.

NAME: Jay McCaughern-Carucci

LOCATION: Old Saybrook CT

HOW I KNEW GREG: Son in law

A beautiful tribute to a beautiful man. We only knew Greg for a short time in the grand scheme of things, but he was so much a part of our family. He will be deeply missed, as he was deeply loved. I am greatful for the blessing that he has left behind in the form of the Weeks family, I feel that we have all known eachother, it's now just up to us all to remember what we already know! (profound!!) I am looking forward to remembering you all!

NAME: Tina McCaughern-Carucci

LOCATION: Old Saybrook CT

HOW I KNEW GREG: He was my step-father

I am so sorry to hear of Greg's passing. I am, however, thrilled to hear that he lived as long as he did. I was a good friend of the family when he was diagnosed with malignant melanoma, and was very happy to find that he overcame that diagnosis to live a much more fulfilled life after. My thoughts and prayers go out to your family, especially to Randy, Ray, Joan, and Lori, whom I know well.

NAME: Lynn Saastad


HOW I KNEW GREG: I only knew Greg through his family; I am a longtime friend of Ray, Joan, Randy, and Lori.

I remember many family gatherings at our grandparents home in the country. I was a small child and Greg was the cool teenager. What made him cool was that he didn't "play cool". He actually gave us little kids attention. I always thought that he was a great guy! Greg, I hope that you and my sister Julie are having a great time, wherever you are! My thoughts and prayers are with all the family. Much love, your cousin, Teresa

Beautiful words to honor my Uncle Greg. I always admired his mystery and search for life's hidden treasures. Some find contentment right there at home...others feel the need to wonder off and let the wind carry them It's much more fun that way if you ask me. He inspired me to grow wings.
My heart and thoughts are with you all as we share in celebrating the life of a very "cool" and amazing man.

NAME: Honour Pillow



Ahhh...uncle Greg! We spent so many wonderful times together...bumming around Clifton, Summerfair, playing basketball, eating icecream, listen to good hippie music, teaching me to drive at age 9...(no wonder I was afraid to drive before 19! The world thanks you:)) YOu were (are) VERY special to me. You will always be in my heart and thoughts. I miss you now and always. Much love and respect to a great man who taught me alot about life, love, and who I could be. Thanks for being a a great uncle, friend, and confidante. May you sing with the angels!

NAME: Spring Starr Pillow

LOCATION: Cincinnati, OH

HOW I KNEW GREG: My awesome uncle!

I send my love and support to Greg and his family. May the loving universal spirit envelope you and bring you peace.

NAME: Mackey McNeill

LOCATION: Cincinnati

HOW I KNEW GREG: I do not know Greg, I know Randy his brother


I am so sorry for your loss. I saw this link on facebook and followed it. He sounds like he was a great man in his time here on earth, and that his spirit will continue its greatness in the next realm. BTW, your obit is extremely well done and a pleasure to read. It is a testimony to him.

My condolences go out to you and your family. Take care,

Chris Burke

NAME: Christopher Burke

LOCATION: Philadelphia (for now)

HOW I KNEW GREG: I am a friend of Randy's showing support for you all in your loss.

Dear Randy!
Please know that i am holding you in my heart and that we in the CLC community are sending you and your family love and healing energy!
Transition is merely a shift from "form" to "formless" the energy always remains!
Love, Debbie

NAME: Deborah Ooten

LOCATION: Cincinnati

HOW I KNEW GREG: I knew Greg through his brother Randy!

Dear Randy and family and GregĀ“s family, my simpathy and wishes of hope and peace.

NAME: Uranio Paes


HOW I KNEW GREG: I know Randy Weeks.

Very nice obit except we forgot the crazy motercycle part starting with making his leg a bloody stump in a wreck at 17, and ending with being part of the cure in the hills around Greenfield Mass. Late Fragment so appropriate to my sweetheart's life, as he was just that(late) and he is so beloved.

NAME: Deb Pillow-Crider



Greg and I were born 14 days apart. Because our families never lived very close to each other, we were never fast friends; however, I have fond memories of the times we spent together at Grandma and Grandpa Weeks' house.
I remember swimming in the lake, Easter egg hunts, and Christmas carols. Oh, and terrorizing our younger brothers.
Looking at the pictures on this site, I can't help but notice the amazing resemblance to Grandpa Weeks, and that is certainly a good thing.
My thoughts are with all of you during this time and I hope we can find a way for our families to become a little closer.

NAME: Rod Weeks

LOCATION: Cincinnati, OH


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Copyright 1978 - 2025 by Randy Weeks
(This old site has been online since 1995... I'll redo it eventually, maybe...
Meanwhile, consider it a museum piece from the early web).

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Your comments, questions, criticism, musings, yawnings and collaborative contributions are welcome.