We know the truth, not only by the reason, but also by the heart. -- Pascal
Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah
One of the favorite songs of my life.
I've had the pleasure and blessing of singing this often for friends and family.
It was also a favorite of my brother Greg, who died of pancreatic cancer on May 1, 2008 at the age of 58. I dedicate my singing of this song to him.
This recording includes 2 verses that have usually been left out of performances with which most of us are familiar. Those 2 verses make the song a more complete, human and moving piece, I think. They bring an energy of redemption, or at least of accepting and integrating the broken parts of any human life.
I think it's a most beautiful song and I'm grateful to Mr. Cohen for writing it.
Copyright 1978 - 2025 by Randy Weeks (This old site has been online since 1995... I'll redo it eventually, maybe...
Meanwhile, consider it a museum piece from the early web). :)